Monday, February 11, 2008

My Investment Strategy

At the beginning I didn't have an initial investment strategy, but in order to decide on what different stocks I was going to invest, I first went to and searched different companies by the first letter symbol and went on alphabetically. From there on I chose and took a look at companies that I have heard before and that I thought would be worth investing on. But sometimes not even because a company is well known means that at some point is worth investing in it. Some of the basics that I took in consideration before investing on the stocks were the cost per share, the different price history at different times, for example how the company has either lost or gain in 5 days, 2 months, and even a year.

I picked my first 5 initial stocks because as I checked the price history in different times I saw that in most of the times there was growth, yet that didn't mean that it could go down.
Since the US economy is not doing so good, I thought it will be better to invest on companies that are actually making money during this downfall of the economy. This shows that they are able to progress even when the economy is not doing so good. Not only that, also they were very well known. I tried to invest at least in one different stock of a different kind to have a variety and see how it works out, for example a cell phone company stock, a brand of clothes stock, and others.

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